Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Install Postfix on Ubuntu

A step by step instruction to install a postfix server on ubuntu 8.10:

  1. Install package.
    sudo apt-get install postfix

    1. type of mail configuration: Internet Site

    2. enter your domain name: e.g. not.exist.edu (You have to register a domain name first) Free Register

  2. Install mail utilities if you want to send a email through command line.
    sudo apt-get install mailutils

  3. Write a testing email.
    echo testing_message | mail -s Subject_Not_Important youremail@some.domain.name
    You should get your email in a second. If not, check your SPAM filter/box.

  4. By default, the log files locate at /var/log
    ls -l /var/log | grep mail
    Check log files if you encounter any errors.

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